Integrated Exploration Services

  • Bio-Lithostratigraphic Analysis
    of Well Cutting and Core Samples
  • Nannofossil Biostratigraphic Analysis
  • Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis
  • Geosteering Services
  • Wellsite Instrumentation
  • Mudlogging Management
  • Organic Kerogen Analysis
Descriptive Lithostratigraphic Log Sample
Descriptive Lithostratigraphic Log Sample

Who We Are

Our Dedicated Geologists

Nelson B. Yoder, Biolithostratigrapher, Integrated Exploration Services, Inc.

Nelson Yoder

Nelson Yoder has conducted bio-lithostratigraphic analyses of well cutting and core samples, using both low power binocular and high-resolution petrographic microscopes. The interpreted data is recorded on the WellSight Log format (with both vertical & horizontal well displays available). Well cutting and/or core samples are selected, and vacuum impregnated with blue epoxy for thin sections preparation. The thin sections are analyzed using a high-resolution petrographic microscope, with an attached high resolution digital camera.
Photomicrographs are taken to document the pertinent reservoir and diagenetic lithofacies. Our reports contain our interpreted bio-lithostratigraphic data, e-logs which are illustrated on the WellSight Log, as well as photomicrographs, a sequence stratigraphic interpretation, reservoir facies, and conclusions & recommendations. Additional information may be found on
Dr. Bernard L Shaffer.

Dr. Bernard L. Shaffer
Exploration Paleontologist

Since working with Dr. B. L. Shaffer at Gulf Research, Bernie has conducted nannofossil biostratigraphic analysis on well cutting and core samples for most of our projects. He has worldwide experience in age dating Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary rocks using nannofossil biostratigraphic analysis. His reports contain a list of identified species with their corresponding geologic age, and includes a summary table illustrating the species and geologic age.
Discoaster nodifer -SEM
Dr. Gerald R. Baum, Integrated Exploration Services, Inc.

Dr. Gerald Baum
Exploration Geologist

We have had the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Gerald Baum on regional Miocene, Eocene, Cretaceous and Paleozoic projects, in which we integrate our well cutting and core analyses with Jerry’s seismic and wireline log interpretations to successfully define hydrocarbon reservoir facies using sequence stratigraphic analysis. Jerry Baum is a highly knowledgeable exploration geologist using seismic and log curves to define lowstand hydrocarbon reservoirs. He worked with Peter Vail at EPRCo when the sequence stratigraphic reservoir model was developed to identify and locate lowstand hydrocarbon reservoirs by illustrating discontinuities in the geologic record such as unconformities, transgressive surfaces, and maximum flooding surfaces.
Billy Swan, Integrated Exploration Services, Inc.

Billy Swan
Operations Geologist

For the past 18 years Billy Swan and Nelson Yoder have worked together on projects at Lewis Energy Group in South Texas, as well as Lewis Energy Colombia. Billy is a highly skilled and motivated geologist Geosteering wells, as well as managing well site instrumentation and mudlogging operations.
His well site knowledge, attention to detail, ability to accurately determine casing depths, as well as assisting in additional drilling site operations when needed, makes him a highly valued asset on the well site.
Karl W. Schwab, Geologist/Paleontologist/Kerogen Specialist, Integrated Exploration Services, Inc.

Karl Schwab
Kerogen Specialist

Karl W. Schwab is a highly knowledgeable geologist/
paleontologist/organic matter
(kerogen) specialist working with unconventional reservoirs worldwide (types of organic matter and estimated levels of thermal maturity).  A typical example of his analytical work can be found online in a paper published in the AAPG, Search and Discovery Datapages, Article #80517 (2016) at
He has worked in the Gulf Coast-Gulf of Mexico; Pacific Northwest; Eagle Ford Shale and Barnett Shale trends of North Central & South Texas, Rocky Mountain overthrust belt, Green River Basin of Wyoming, Precambrian of the mid- continent, Paleozoic of north-central and southeastern Arizona, lower Cretaceous and upper Jurassic of East Texas and western Louisiana, Palo Duro and Permian Basins of west Texas, and the north slope and Gulf of Alaska. International studied areas include most of South America, west-central Africa, the Mediterranean (Italy, Spain), northern Mexico (Chihuahua, Sonora), western Canada (Alberta, British Columbia), Indonesia-Malasia, and India.
Sequence Stratigraphic Figure, Baum & Vail
Sequence Stratigraphic Figure, Baum & Vail.
Photomicrograph of Anhydrite Replacing Dolomite
Photomicrograph of Anhydrite Replacing Dolomite.

What We Do

Our Professional Geological Services

Bio-Lithostratigraphic Analysis

Nannofossil Biostratigraphic Analysis

Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis

On-site and Offsite Geosteering Services

Mudlogging Management

Wellsite Instrumentation

Contact Us


Integrated Exploration Services, Inc.
15 Greenway Plaza, 11G
Houston, Texas 77046